Tuesday, 26 October 2010

A beautiful ugly!

This beauty was part of the show and tell at our guild meeting yesterday:
 (click to enlarge for a full blast of its beauty.)
You may remember this challenge from last winter where Ann F. asked us to take our ugly fabrics and needleturn applique a flower onto a yellow or orange block. Now the quilt is machine sashed and bordered and quilted to a 80s vintage quilted bedspread Ann found and its strangely lovely.
If nothing else, it's certainly a lively quilt. That's my blue and red and pink flower in the 2nd row, 2nd from the right.
Meanwhile, here's our next guild challenge of black and white and turquoise. We're each making six blocks by January. Here's what we have so far. My six are the top row, Cheryl's in the 2nd, Laura's in the 3rd, and Kathy and Heather and Karen made the rest. There's a lovely variety of block patterns and fabrics in it. Click the photo to enlarge.

Meanwhile, I signed up for the monthly bee at 15 minutes of play, and here's my November blocks in red.


1 Barb said...

I love your beautiful ugly quilt..there is nothing ugly about it.

2 Joyce said...

The first quilt just proves that there is really no such thing as ugly fabric...
I like the red blocks too. Free form playing with fabric is so much fun.

3 Michele said...

What a fun ugly fabric project. I think it turned out great. Love all the new blocks too! Wow!

4 Rosalyn Manesse said...

That's not ugly!! I love it. A quilt that can keep you warm just by looking at it

5 Myra said...

That is not ugly at all! What a great challenge Brenda, and a great outcome! Love it!
Your group's next challenge is looking great too! 8-)
What group/guild do you belong to, if you don't mind me asking?

6 CharlotteP said...

It really IS lovely! What a great challenge - look forward to seeing what you will think up for your '15minute' month!

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