Maybe beauty is in the eye of the beholder. These flower blocks are part of my guild challenge: Anne asked us to make these applique blocks with a back basting technique using our ugliest fabric, and I did my best. The one at the left is yardage leftover from a sundress my mom made my sister 20 some years ago. Both of them should have known better. I think it is truly ugly, especially with that fake lace (light blue) on either side of the floral strip (pink against red). The kicker is that this fabric has a large border print on it, which my mom put on the bottom of the sundress. I would offer to send the rest of the fabric (nearly a yard) to anyone who would like it, but really, I don't want to spend money mailing ugly fabric. You can all just enjoy it virtually, and pull out a bit of your own uglies to have fun with. The one on the right cut from a thrift shop dress from the 70s. I toned down both of these fabrics with the centre fabric. The fun thing about this challenge is that I've seen at least one other person working on her blocks, and hers is even worse. But like our
fungly projects of a couple of summers ago, this quilt may work just because of all the clashing uglies. The background squares have to be yellow or orange, so there's some uinformity. Stay tuned for a picture of all the "uglies" after our next meeting in three weeks..

I took a break from the applique to make a small donation quilt from a strip of colour windows on selvages for the
Alzheimers Art Quilt Initiaitve. I had sewn together a long strip of these dots awhile back, and decided it was time to make a quilt. I kept going with the dot theme, using three more dotty fabrics, and I handquilted spirals all over it. It measure 9 by 12 inches.

And while I was finishing small projects, I tied an old VIP juvenile panel to some sale bin microfleece to make a blanket measuring 36 by 42 for the children's hospital. It took about an hour, and finally cleared up two separate pieces of fabric in my cupboard. I bound it by bringing the back to the front and stitching it down. The picture shows one of the panels with the back folded over on it.
And lastly, here are some recent thrift shop finds: a linen tea towel, and a large linen tablecloth. I'm collecting vintage pieces of linen for a futture quilt project. Got some of those old calendar tea towels kicking around? I'm happy to do a trade. At the bottom of the picture are a pair of lovely cotton pillow cases with hand embroidery and a crocheted edging. They need to take a trip through the washer and then it they'll go in the linen cupboard for regular use.
I love ugly fabrics.......I collect them, hoard them, agonized over when I should use them.....
I even did a whole applique quilt using uglies.....its called "ugly kathy". he he he
You couldn't possibly have been talking about my uglies, could you?? It was enough to make the teenager in my house gag. lol.
Love the AAQI quilt. I've already done 2, but I think I might need to do some more.
What a fun group cahllenge idea making blocks from uglies!
I have always wanted my group to do a "make a silk purse from a sow's ear" challenge, and your flowers/lace fabric is talking to me:-)
Well, those fabrics are pretty dated more than ugly. I'll be curious to see the finished project. I'll keep an eye out at the MCC today for some of those tea towels.
those flowers are a hoot. I think it's great when the uglies get together and make a wonderful fun quilt - I hope we'll get pics of this one.
I love your dots -- really fun! And I like the uglies, too. Somehow lots of uglies together aren't ugly anymore. I bet the quilt they make will be pretty cool.
Oh my. So often one person's ugly is another person's loveley... I think I can honestly say that your 'ugly' fabrics for the flowers are...
TRULY ugly! LOL!
You're right, though, they'll fit right in and metamorphose into something stunning when among their sisters!
You've been busy! There are no ugly fabrics (well they can be used on the back of something?)
I LOVE UGLY FABRICS!!! that floral on the right, I'd die for that... got a selvedge name on that? so awesome...
try as you might...to hate them, I love'm
I love the floral fabric, too. :)
I love your little Alz.quilt and all the wonderful thrift store finds. If I see calendar tea towels I'll let you know...I'm always on the lookout for vintage linens!
What a great post. I can remember when I would have thought those fabrics were pretty nice, but now, well, they're ugly. haha
I love to make scrap quilts with zillions of fabrics, and sprinkling in some uglies is what makes it look so good! Go figure.
I'd like to post your Alz quilt on the Selvage blog. And I'm getting ready to post that little special item too.
Great post.I like all the designs.
post free classifieds
Ugly's definitely in the eye of the beholder - love the one on the right! Takes all types to make up this rich, fun quilting world of ours. Aren't we lucky?
I think all your "uglies" will truly look beautiful when in combination with one another. And, I actually like the blue one on the left. In the right circumstances, all fabrics have a place to shine. I'm visiting from the selvage blog... I love selvage quilts.
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