Friday, 30 May 2014

Brenda's Big Bee Birthday Bee finished!

Double click on photo to see details.
More than three years ago,
I asked my blogging and local quilting friends to make me a B.
A big one, or at least a capital one.
Many of you did this for me,
to celebrate my big (50th) birthday.

Double click on photo to see details.

Today, on my 53rd birthday,
I can finally show you what I did with those big Bs.
After three years of collecting, musing, pondering, and puzzling,
I got it together.
Thanks to all of you who sent me a B
and then waited patiently for me to do something with it.
It's a beauty in its variety of Bs and its scrappiness.

I pieced it in three vertical panels
and then free motioned different motifs in each letter block
and joined them together
and then bound it in a hot pink Kaffe print.

Double click on photo to see details.

I learned a lot from making this quilt.
I learned about the generosity of bloggers, who sent me a birthday B
and often a card or note with birthday wishes.
I learned that you are all very creative and competent.
And I also learned that size matters.
Although I love the variety and sizes of the letters,
next time I will include a maximum size.

Thanks again for helping me make the B quilt!
It's been a blast!

I'm linking up with  GIFF, Sarah, and Amanda.


1 Heidi said...

This is an awesome finish! My favorite quilts are those that many quilter's contribute to. Love love love it!

2 Nifty Quilts said...

It's wonderful!! Sorry I missed participating. Happy birthday!!

3 Gill said...

Happy Birthday!
I love all your B's !!

4 Quiltdivajulie said...

I was so concerned that the bright green blah blah blah fabric would not fit in . . . SO happy to see how much fun your top contains!!

5 em's scrapbag said...

Happy Birthday! Love your B quilt!

6 Julie said...

Fun quilt! What a great idea.

7 Janet said...

It looks great! I wish I could remember which B I made... :)

8 Barb said...

Happy Birthday it looks so great!!! enjoy your quilt and have a wonderful year!!

9 Helen said...

Happy Birthday Brenda!!! You will love this quilt forever.

10 Tonya Ricucci said...

it's so great as it is - would be sad to not have that large B front and center!

11 Browndirtcottage said...

Just too darn cute Brenda!! Certainly a great birthday quilt!!


12 Purple Pam said...

Love your B Block Birthday Quilt. It turned out great.

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