Wednesday, 4 June 2014

A scrappy wedding quilt

In January 2012 I gave my friend Yvonne a quilt kit,
cut from my scraps and those of my mother,
for her 50th birthday.
All the bricks measure 2.5 by 4.5 inches.

Fast forward to last weekend, 
where the quilt top is in a frame, ready for hand stitches
at her daughter's wedding.
Here Mr. Scraps is putting in a few stitches
and he's not even left-handed!

 Yvonne set up the frame at the venue and encouraged everyone to put in a few stitches.
She had an eloquent speech at the dinner about how this quilt features fabrics from many people
and like a marriage, is beautiful in its variety and contrasts.

Yvonne (left) and me at the quilt.
Sorry for the blurry pix.

And we can't have a wedding quilt without a bride, right?
Here's DS1 and DS2 with the bride.

An interesting note: The bride started sewing the bricks together
and her mom finished the job,
so they both had fun with my quilt kit!

I'm linking up with WIP Wednesdays at The Needle and Thread Network.


1 Helen in the UK said...

What a lovely memento from a special occasion. Hopefully this will become a family heirloom :)

2 Diane said...

What a great idea to give a quilt kit of scraps! I've been following your blog on Feedly for a long time now and don't know what you look like, so I don't know which is you and which is Y! Haha.

3 Heidi said...

what a wonderful idea. They will remember this ....

4 Nifty Quilts said...

Great story! And it all started with your brilliant quilt kit--a wonderful gift idea!

5 Empty Closet Quilting said...

That is an awesome way to celebrate a wedding!

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