Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Now if the quilts would just put themselves away

We had a great time as feature quilters at the
MCC Quilt Show in Winnipeg, Manitoba, (Canada) last weekend.

Here I am in front of my corner of letter and word quilts.

Would you be surprised to know 
it can be tiring talking to people about quilts for three days?

I shared the honour of being the feature quilter
along with my mother.
She brought quilts she's made from over the last 25 years or so.
The feathered star and the Amish square within a square
are both handquilted with many feather motifs.

She also brought this hand appliqued and quilted paper cut quilt
that took her a decade to complete.

Each block is different.

 The showstopper was her Baltimore album-style quilt
which also took her a decade to complete.
I've seen this quilt many times, 
but I'm still in awe of the skill demonstrated here.

I showed some of my latest word quilts,
including this one showcasing various free motion designs

and this one with several feather variations in the borders.

Thanks for all of you who stopped by in person.


1 Margaret said...

Wow, you are both amazing! In today's rushed world it's hard to imagine spending 10 years on a project, but what an heirloom it is.

2 em's scrapbag said...

Amazing! Thanks for sharing your mothers quilts. You are both so talented.

3 Linda said...

Very special! Love your mother/daughter quilting. Wish I could have seen this in person as your letter quilts are among my favourites.

4 Margaret said...

What a very special honour to be a Featured Quilter -- alongside your mother. Clearly the apple didn't fall far from the tree in your family! :-) I am in awe of your mother's handwork skills, and your letter quilts are great fun.

5 Jo Vandermey said...

Wonderful and talented mother and daughter.

6 Quiltdivajulie said...

Thank you for sharing these photos -- I wish it hadn't been so far because I would have LOVED to visit in person!

7 Tonya Ricucci said...

hi, gorgeous. wish I could have been there in person!

8 Browndirtcottage said...

Woo Hoo!! Look at you! Now I can put a face with a name!!
I so enjoyed seeing your quilts as well as your mom's!
Her applique is amazing and I zoomed the photos up close so I could study!

Yes, doing a show and visiting all day is very tiring!
I used to do a Trade Days once a month and by the time the weekend was over I was wore out from chatting smiling and being polite! LOL, it's hard work to be polite for that many hours/days in a row!!!

9 Purple Pam said...

Congratulations to you and your mother for being the featured quilters. Your styles are different, but both of you make great quilts.

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