Thursday 9 December 2010

A seasonal message

One more post with word quilts in honour of Tonya's new book.. I'm beavering away (is that just a Canadian expression?) on a big deadline, but I'm hearing about lots of people felled by the flu, so here's a message for you:
This was from the Liberated Amish challenge earlier this year. I made the deadline for the top, but now it's stalled while I decide if I will handquilt feathers in the centre medallion or go with the first plan and tie it to fleece.

This quilt made it safely home earlier this week, after hanging in my local library along with six of my other quilts for three months. I'm happy to see it again, and now it can keep my 14-year-old son warm.


Em said...

I love your Get Well Soon card, imagine how many people will you bring a smile to their ill sniffly nose and heart today. Have you been to Laugh Love Quilt for the house giveaway, I see this quilt of yours and it is fabulous and a reminder to me of BEth's project! Happy Thursday, Em

Scrappy quilter said...

I love, love, love your wonky house quilt.

Sujata Shah said...

Beautiful quilts! Love the house quilt! I need to put a fun house quilt on my list!
Thanks for the warm message!

Gill said...

I love your quilts!
We beaver away in the UK too!

Helen in the UK said...

As Gill said, 'beaver away' is used in the UK too!
Love the strength of colour in the first quilt.
There is a local radio DJ that always says "hope you are well and happy" and I always think what a lovely sentiment this is - your quilt captures the essence beautifully :)

Dena said...

Love your quilts! I was in a local quilt shop yesterday looking to see if they had Tonya's book yet... Hopefully they'll receive it in the next week or two.

Tonya Ricucci said...

fab quilt. you just know I'm going to vote for handquilting, right? Unless it's going to be a lapquilt, in which case just tie it so you can get to using it!

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