I'm pleased to tell you that I have eight quilts hanging in a college library about 45 minutes away from where I live. The display (I think it's a bit much to call it an exhibit or even show) is based around my "Words Fail Me" quilt-in-progress, which is only pinned to a backing and not yet quilted. The librarian really likes this project, and she was happy to include it even if it isn't quilted. (All the pictures should enlarge if you click on them.)
Most of the quilts are hanging along one long wall with a few doors in between, well out of natural light, with one just around the corner in the above photo.
Interestingly, my quilts are hanging opposite a bulletin board loaded with clips from my newspaper, including some I wrote.
Here's one of two quilts in the show without words -- my little "Silk Amish Strings."
Here's my first word quilt, made for the Lazy Gal Winter challenge.
It's hanging right beside my latest word quilt, made for a friend. I like them both, but I can see a change in my letter making skills. I have a much more recognizable font now, and I'm able to control the size of the letters more easily. But I like the wonkiness of the above quilt, and I was waaaay out of my comfort zone when I made it.
Here's another wall shot, with my "Baskets of News", the T quilt, and the genealogy quilt.
This T quilt got into the display because it had letters and sort of fit into the word theme (and we needed to fill the space.) The librarian loves it because her first name starts with T.
For those of you who've made it this far, and want to know more, the quilts are up at the library of Providence College, Otterburne, Manitoba, Canada, until mid-April. Click on this link to their website for directions and library hours.
Well done Brenda!
Congratulations! I would call it a quilt show; and a very amazing one at that. You should be so proud. It is really an art and you have found your own personal style.
I really like that your work is being displayed for all the world to see - even if it's just a little world, it's still out there!! And it looks really good. I really like seeing what you do with 'letters', I enjoy your quilts. If I was close to you, I would definitly make it a point to come see the 'show'!!!
how wonderful and fulfilling to have your quilting out to be enjoyed by the public! I like them all-congrats!
Congratulations! That's absolutely wonderful! Such great quilts. Wish I could see them in person, but it's too far away.
Congratulations! I'll have to try to see that show. My husband actually went to school there when it was a Catholic boy's school so he'd probably be interested in seeing the place again too. How long will it be up?
Congrats ~ love the combination of words, quilts, books, library, letters... just marvelous!
Brenda, congratulations! It is so great that you have a solo exhibit. Yes, it is an exhibit of quilts. What fun!
Congratulations!!! Your quilts are so inspirational. Very special, very personal, very expressive and alo very fun... I would love to come to the show, but sadly I live to far away.
Congratulations! I didn't know you are a journalist. No wonder you have such a way with words!
Fabulous quilts!
I would call it an exhibit and a wonderful one at that! :)
Stumbled onto your blog via Tonya's...words and quilts are 2 favorite things....so I LOVE what you're doing. And I have one quick question...the quilt with Tamar..Rahab..etc....are you also a fan of Francine Rivers and have read that series of 5?
This is great! I will be back!!
Hi Brenda! I just nominated you for the "Spreader of Love" award...for your blog support, quilting advice, and ongoing generosity. Details are over at my blog...
Awesome that your creations are on display! Good for you! I will have to see if I can make it our to view. Our retreat is in StMalo this coming weekend...Hmmm? Side-trip maybe? 8-)
Been pondering the green quilt top you sent me. I know what I will be doing with it, but still need to get some UFOs out of my way...
Happy stitchings! 8-)
The library must hang art regularly; they have a real hanging system! What a marvelous match between your written work, your quilts, and the whole world of words that the library represents! Well done - to everyone involved :- )
Oh congratulations on your show! I think that's just fabulous!
Congratulations! I'd certainly call that an exhibition! Fantastic!
Congrats Brenda! That is totally awesome. Your word quilts are fabulous.
Congratulations! That's really terrific! Libraries, words, and quilts. Couldn't be a better combination.
awesome quilts! I love your lettering and choice of words. The lucky people viewing them are going to be inspired.
Your word quilts are very unique and interesting!
I'm a member of LibQuilters Yahoo Group and came to your blog from the group's Links, and I'm so glad I did. Your exhibit of words is wonderful and will inspire me to try more liberated letters, with more liberation than I've previously used. Thanks so much,
beautiful all quilts, congratulations!!
First time in your blogs, :) happy I found them.
Oooh I love your word quilts! Please feel free to add yourself to the TN&TN feature friday waitlist. : )
~Monika in Saskatoon
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