Monday, 8 December 2008

Chilly outside, quilty inside

We're into the winter deep freeze in Manitoba right now, and I have my winter quilt up over the fireplace to mark the seasons-- winter and Christmas. I made this (timidly, I might add) as my first venture into free-piecing with Lazy Gal Tonya in her winter class a year ago. My letters have improved since then, and I'm more confident about free piecing and not worrying about adding or cutting off. I spent most of the winter hand quilting this in freehand fans, quite densely and so it didn't get up for last Christmas. Click on the photo to see the quilting details.
The quilt has been up since the first Sunday in Advent, and it will stay up into the winter. I like the double meaning of it -- the words are from the Christmas carol Good King Wenceslas--- and it describes the snow and the weather here in the northern hemisphere. I don't think I've shown it on my blog at all, so here's something new(ish) to look at while I keep at my writing deadlines. I won't get to any of my quilts for at least a week or two.


1 Joyce said...

Very nice. I have a lot of winter words that I made last year and then got stalled. This makes me think I should get them out and have another go at them. I couldn't think how to put them together but maybe some trees like yours would work.

2 Desiree said...

This is a beautiful quilt. It is so peaceful and simple looking. When I was a kid that was one of my favorite Christmas carols. Some day I would like to attempt the free piecing letters. I just haven't gotten up the nerve. :) Best of luck!

3 Quiltdivajulie said...

Wonderful finish ~ love the words you chose and the way you incorporated them in your quilt!

4 Christina said...

what a peaceful attractive quilt! So lovely!

5 Tonya Ricucci said...

I love this quilt - you did such an amazing job on it. Hard to believe that your first free-piecing was just over a year ago.

6 Sharon said...

A beautiful quilt. I like the simple peacefulness of it - kind of like when the snow is falling and the world is hushed. What a great winter quilt.

7 jovaliquilts said...

It's such a great quilt! I love how you mixed up fabrics in your letters, and the fabric you choose for the moon block is amazing.

8 Rosalyn Manesse said...

It looks so peaceful. I remember those snowy nights.

9 Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

I like the words! it feels very much like the song... it sort of dances along.

10 Purple Pam said...

I like the wintery feel of this quilt. I love your Advice Quilt. It is just great!

11 Rose Marie said...

I loved it when you first started working on this quilt and love seeing it all over again. Great job! Like you, I finished my Winter quilt from Tonya's class in the spring ... too late to display, but it is hanging on my wall now.

12 Shelina said...

It looks great.

13 comicbooklady said...

It's beautiful, I love the blues and whites! Good king Wenceslas is one of my favourite carols,it certainly does reflect a northern winter!

14 Karen said...

Very nice. I can feel a chill in the air and the snow crunching under my feet.

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