Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Hand quilting woes

This is most of my T-square quilt, a work in progress for the last three years. It was my first real venture into serious quiltmaking, and I had fun choosing the colours (from Mom's stash! Thanks again) and figuring out how to move the colours from one corner to another. I definitely did not have fun piecing all those half square triangels, but its not too bad, considering. I'm hand quilting a wind pattern through the whole thing (it should be visible if you click on the photo) and was planning to meander or stipple on all the light Ts. I picked this up last week after a year away, and was bored with the stipple, so I tried some other patterns for variety -- and now I don't like any of it. I thought I would post it for some other ideas before I pick out the hand quilting. The thought of taking out all the stitches puts me in a bad mood, but if I start over, maybe I can choose a less dense and labour intensive pattern. I was going to go with freehand fans and forget the wind pattern, but friends who saw it convinced me to continue.
and yes, this is a long, skinny quilt, meant for the tall wall on the top of my staircase landing. There's several rows more than pictured.
One more thing: Now that I've looked at the picture more closely, I'm definitely going to take out the fans in the light Ts. They're not doing anything for me. I'm still waffling about picking out the dense stipple in the top rows, and replacing them with a meandering outline inside the T. And for the record, I like handquilting, even over the seam allowances. But I really want to be done with this project, and it's so close.


1 Donna said...

I wonder how it would look with different freehand patterns in different shirts? Something like small stipple in half a dozen spread out over the top, and another half dozen spread out over the top with fans, and another bunch with feathers... give each shirt its own "personality" just like the Tshirts in my drawer where no two are the same though there may be a few the same colour, or the same pattern, but I don't have shirts that are both the same colour and pattern...

2 The Calico Cat said...

I kinda like the fans - they "go with" the swirly wind quilting...

3 Joyce said...

I'm not one to do much ripping out. I agree with the others. It looks fine to me if you add some more fans and other freehand patterns as Quilt Pixie suggested.

4 Clare said...

I wouldn't rip out otherwise, if you're anything like me, it will take forever. I'm with Quilt Pixie and Joyce.

Anonymous said...

I like the fans too. It makes it look like the wind blowing. I wouldn't change it but do what makes you happy.

6 Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Hi! I need you help on a special project, could you send me an email and I'll explain. :-)

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