Thursday, 11 September 2008

Cozy Ts and unfinished projects

I dug into the spare parts drawer and came up with these rejected T blocks from another project to make another tea cosy. The recipient loved it, but when we fit it on her tea pot, it was too short, since she has one with a handle on top.

So I gave it another shot, with a tall, four-gored tea cozy in string-pieced reds and browns. Sort of has a vaguely liturgical feel to it, and people have been known to wear it on their heads. But the good news is that it fits my friend's tea pot. And I will put the other one in the gift pile for another occasion.

I've been working on my UFO quilts, but mostly handquilting on the T-quilt on the top left of the photo. This has been a work-in-progress for going on four years. It is a wonky/precision-pieced quilt -- I meant to have the seams match, but they don't everywhere. This quilt cultivated my hatred of sewing half-square triangles together without some sort of speed-piecing method. But I still like the colours, and the wall it is intended for is still bare. And I'm almost half-done quilting it. As you can see, my baskets are no longer a pile of blocks (see the post below) but a completed quilt top. And the borders are on the pink star quilt. So I'm making progress. Especially since I won't be distracted by tea cozies for the foreseeable future.


1 Sharon said...

You've been busy. I love your red tea cozy! And I think adding the buttons gives it a neat touch. And what a lovely pile of projects. I can understand about the 4 year hand quilting project. I had a few of those myself.
I love your baskets of news too. Red, white and black is always striking, and I love those wonky baskets. Great fun!

2 Joyce said...

I like the tea cozies. I just made one for a friend's birthday but can't show it until I give it to her. Your pile is shrinking. I'm with you on the half-square triangles. They can get to you.

3 Andrea said...

How creative with your "T" and tea cozies! Ah, the long term quilting project. Good luck! Keep it up. Won't it be lovely on your wall when it is done?!?! I'll visualize for you! :)

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