Tuesday 23 February 2016

Catching up and giveaway update

Recently I had the urge to play with little bits
and this is what happened.

This is the craziest one.
I sewed together one-inch strips of Kona solids leftover from something else
and made this block.
Right now it's floating in a navy background,
but I think it needs a few more borders.

Then I got out the Oakshott charms
and made another Amish-inspired quilt.
This measures 8 by 10 inches.

The two yellow and green minis on the left 
are 8.5 by 11 inches,
the size of  copy paper.

None of these has a purpose yet,
but stay tuned.

This single-sized 1600 challenge quilt in pastel batiks.
is  waiting for me to quilt it
and the deadline is fast approaching.
I didn't make the quilt top, but I volunteered to quilt it
for a local charity sale.

I'd like to incorporate more texture
but I also know the price probably won't be much over $200
so I don't want to spend too much time quilting it.

I'm considering straight line diagonals
or free motion loops
or just plain straight lines.

Any other suggestions?

If you're still with me,
I chose a new giveaway winner,
since the original winner didn't leave a way to contact her.

rondiquilts said...
I still read blogs because of the inspiration it gives to my creative side and spiritual side. Just like your post today. I never would have though of that combination, but I LOVE it! Made my day. Many thanks.


Quiltdivajulie said...

Any of your quilting methods will add texture and movement to the pastel batiks . . . happy stitching.

I love your mini pieces -- so much fun.

Heidi said...

yes, your mini pieces are wonderful.. makes me want to play too

Helen in the UK said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun with the minis. I think the batik quilt needs some curves in the quilting to contrast with all the straight lines. I'm sure you'll come up with something wonderful :)

Elaine M said...

The minis are great. Love the colors. I could see the Amish super sized for one bed sized quilt. I could see "wind blown" or wind blown grass on the batik quilt. Have fun and looking forward to your next post.

Nifty Quilts said...

Lovely little quilts! They would fit right in with Gwen Marston's "Small Studies."

suzanprincess said...

I like your assortment of minis--they're encouraging me to try some myself. As for the 1600 quilt, I too think it could use some curves in the design; how about a free motion daisy chain? Imprecise, wonky daisies would appeal to me, and should stitch up fairly quickly....

carol said...

Like the mini Amish one.

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