I've stitched parallel lines
and removed the fmq stitches.
The more I quilt it, the more I hate it.
I think I just ruined a lovely top.
Maybe it's the batting?
I went with a Hobbs polydown batt
because it was white.
Now I'm thinking I should have used a flatter batt
like a Warm product.
How can I save this quilt?
I'm linking up with The Needle and Thread Network WIP Wednesdays.
Hi again. I never tried to stich a quarter inch apart from the seam, I usually stich in the ditch. Maybe you could quilt it with a close grid, like I see on the right, horizontally and vertically, with many more lines, like in modern quilting. It will flatten down the whole quilt. The colors will remain. It's so sad when we think we destroyed the quilt with quilting. Good courage.
I don't think you've ruined it - I think you are simply at a point where you need more lines of stitching ... perhaps not the full matchstick style, but at least as much as in the row on the right side of the photo (perhaps more running vertically and a smaller number running horizontally) ?? Don't give up!!!
You've come too far to scrap the whole project now! I agree with both Chantal and Julie. More quilting lines will improve it. Leave the horizontal lines at the block line, and add even more vertical ones. You could think about laying down stitch in the ditch between those 1/4" lines. It will flatten the seams, and probably look better.
I think every quilt has an "I hate it point", at least I feel that way with mine. I agree with the other comments, but I would do the increased vertical and horizontal rows to go through the "+" in both directions. I would also stitch in the ditch all around the + signs and the HSTs. Hang in there - it will be a great quilt when you are done!
Well, you know what I say...more linear quilting, go for the modern look, no more than 1" increments, and yes, do in the ditch to drop the loft, but only after you've done the rest...
I just went through something similar with a quilt. The answer was it needed more quilting, so I am in agreement with all the ladies above. Closer quilting with your lines. Boring to do compared to FMQ! But it will settle down that batting. Good luck!
Great project here... you must not give it up because it's a beautiful quilt. I agree with everyone... more lines and ditching will make you so happy to have persevered!
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