Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Meandering into a good place

Inspired by online free motion tutorials, I tried some simple squiggles
and more complicated meandering.
To say it nicely: I suck at meandering.

Not one to throw fabric away, I cut an eight inch square from the meandering fiasco
and covered it with strips from the scrap bin

cut a piece of old towel to size

and quilted the whole thing onto a dark backing
and then bound it with leftover binding.
Now instead of ugly meandering
I have another potholder for my kitchen.

Here's another layout of the string star.
The strings are 3/4 inch wide finished, and the blocks finish at 5 inches.


1 Nifty Quilts said...

I love your "trash to treasure" potholder! I thought I'd never be able to do meandering. Now it's all I can do! Love your string stars too!!

2 Barb said...

You did kind to the gal in the mirror!!

3 Taos Sunflower said...

I do too!! What's up with that? It looks like it should be so easy, and yet I can sure mess it up. Glad I'm in good company!

4 janequiltsslowly said...

I think the meandering is good! I wish I could even approximate something like that. I have also been watching all the free motion quilting quilt alongs. My first attempt ended up with a squirel's nest of thread on the back. I like Leah Day's approach: Wash the quilt and the mistakes will disappear!

5 Quiltdivajulie said...

I find meandering to be mind-bendingly complex ... I've been given so many suggestions, but none of them have yet clicked. Excellent use for your practice piece!

6 Paulette said...

I think your meandering looks fine! Your stitches are nice and even, which is something I have problems with, and I like to meander. Keep practicing. I find I think I suck less a day or two later when I look at it with fresh eyes.

Your potholder is cute though, and your string star is awesome!

7 Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Hey Brenda! Great star!!!!

8 Magpie Sue said...

I didn't think your meandering was all that bad but what a great way to cover up what you didn't like! Good save!

9 diegoagogo said...

Hey that meandering is looking pretty darn good to me!!
I was told to draw the meander & have the rhythm in my head before trying it on the machine.
I can barely draw it let alone quilt it!! LOL
I figure I will just keep practicing.
I may have to have a stall to sell all the pot holders but hey ho?? More money for fabric huh?
London, UK

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