Friday, 6 January 2012

A top secret birthday quilt

Inspired by Gwen Marston's Liberated String Quilts
I had a hand in putting together this group quilt
for a friend's 50th birthday.
(Actually I squared off every block, repaired fraying seams,
and put the whole thing together.)
This is a picture of the top on my bed.
It measures 87 by 102.

A bunch of us are off for the weekend with the birthday girl
to soak in the hot tub, eat chocolate, and maybe go skiing.
So  I know the birthday girl won't be on the Internet checking out my blog.

Since she loves scraps, I'm giving her all of my
2.5 by 4.5 bricks I cut from my scraps

As well, the tin that seems appropriate for the day, since my friend
lives a two-hour drive from my house.
Happy Birthday Yvonne!


1 Cindy F said...

Love the quilt! Yvonne is a lucky gal!

2 Lee D said...

looks great. love the scrappyness of it. what a wonderful gift to a fellow quilter!

3 Michelle in Saskatoon said...

The quilt is really nice, and I hope you all have fun celebrating the birthday!

4 antique quilter said...

Great quilt! lots of wonderful fabrics I bet and thats the perfect gift, love the tin
Enjoy your weekend sounds like fun

5 Quiltdivajulie said...

Fabulous!!! Just wonderful -- have a great weekend!!

6 Rosa said...

Love the quilt,awesome!.
Yvonne will be very glad with your beautiful gift.

Enjoy your weekend!

7 Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

A perfect gift!!

8 CARMEN said...

Lucky b-day girl , I love your quilts

9 PrairiePeasant said...

Very nice! I hope you had a good weekend celebrating together!

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