Monday, 20 June 2011

I'm chipping away at the UFO pile

 or the PhD (project half done) pile with these four quilts, which are quilted and squared, but not yet bound.
Some of these projects are three or four years old  and they've used up a lot of scraps.

The bottom quilt is a string one I started waaay back, and finally machine quilted with my Juki, the top one at left has been waiting for a finish for three years, the roses have been a work in progress for too long, and the blue batik word quilt is a banner I started in January and finally finished handquilting last week. Now on to the binding!


1 Quiltdivajulie said...

I recognize the quilt on the bottom - the strings ... it is one I love, love, love. SO simple but so wonderful.

Best wishes as you "finish" (I have a stack to work on of my own)

2 Terri said...

That is a goooood looking pile! After the quilting is done I enjoy the mindlessness of the binding. I'd love to have my UFO pile be that far done! Some aren't even finished tops.

3 Finn said...

A great looking pile of "almosts" there. And you've got the worst of the un-done behind you. Way to go on those projects, they all look good to me! Hugs, Finn

4 Twisted Quilts said...

I wish I had your determination to finish! I have two to sandwich, one to bind and I am hand quilting one!! It is hard to find the time during the summer when so much is going on.

5 sewtakeahike said...

that's going to feel so good to get those UFOs done!

6 Purple Pam said...

Good job on getting those UFOs done. It feels so good when that happends.

7 Myra said...

You've been busy Brenda!! 8-)

Just making the rounds and checking in to see how those PhDs are coming along... The count down is on!

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