Thursday 26 June 2008

One done, one more to go!

"Honoured Elder" has gone to its new owner. It measures about 20 by 8 inches, and I outlined each letter in black hand stitching to make the letters easier to read. I used a black and white batik print for the binding. The whole print is pictured below, part of a birthday purchase in Boston. On my last evening there, I discovered a JoAnn's store within walking distance, so I picked up a several fat quarters in dot prints and two yards of the batik. I love the variety of stripes, and I'm going to use it for sashings and borders and bindings.
I also spent my birthday money on a copy of Collaborative Quilting by Marston and Moran. I was inspired by their lively prints, and their fascination with dots, so I got some for myself. Sometime this summer, I'm going to collaborate with Gwen and Freddy (via their book) using these fabrics.
I'm nearly done the quilt for the teacher. It is grade six graduation today, and tomorrow at the last day of school I'm giving her the quilt. Yesterday I spent my whole evening sewing on the binding while I was at a party for the grade sixes and their parents (they all agreed the teacher will love it), and now I just have a few stitches left to finish in the handquilting. I'll make my deadline, but I won't have much time to admire the quilt once it is done. I need a couple of weeks to look at it, show it to my friends, and just live with it before I can give it a new home. Not this time.


Donna said...

I bought collabarative quilting with my b'day money too :-) Some of the pages are starting to wrinkle from the drool I think!

Joyce said...

I have that book too and it is so inspiring. I am glad to see quilts with so much color in them. I love your blakc and white batik. It's perfect for Gwen and Freddy type quilts.

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