Thursday 14 February 2008

Happy Valentine's Day to my two valentines

I'm the mother and daughter of Valentines. That's right, my mother, a talented quilter and applique artist and teacher and fabric dyer, and my son, are celebrating their birthdays today. My son is 14 today -- so it's his champagne year, or his magic birthday. In honour of this special day, I'm posting a quilt made by Grandma for her first grandson 14 years ago. It's the one on the left, a log cabin made from that Hoffman Painted Desert fabric that was popular back then, and appliqued with hearts, trains, teddy bears and balls, and then handquilted by Grandma. She started the quilt well before my son was born and she didn't know (nor did I) that he would share her Valentine's Day birthday. Grandma made the purple quilt on the right two years later for my second son, also a log cabin from a purple and green Painted Desert fabric, this one appliqued with tumbling blocks. Originally, she had made another quilt with lots of pinks and blues in that same Painted Desert fabric (obviously, a favourite), but I asked her to make a less girly one since I was sure the second baby was a boy. So a granddaughter who followed my boys was the lucky recipient of that one. These quilts were both on display along with about 50 other items when Grandma was the feature quilter at her guild's show last May.


Carol E. said...

I can't guarantee that our quilt show is worth a long drive from Winnipeg. We have only 140 quilts hanging in a small museum. But if you want details, go here:

If you're due for a fun road trip with a little adventure and risk taking, go for it! We have tons of great quilt shops around here.

Carol E. said...

P.S. I am floored that I am listed in your sidebar as a great blog, in the company of Bonnie, Tonya, and Mary. Wow! I'm honored!

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