Sunday, 28 September 2014

Eye candy for a rainy Sunday

My guild met for their first meeting of the season,
and it appears some of my fellow members
have had a more productive summer than me.
Above is A's pinwheel picnic blanket.

Here is her string quilt with some fun variations in it.

And here is a donation blanket by another A. in the group.
These women are all fine scrap quilters.
No wonder I like being in a group with them!


1 Quiltdivajulie said...

LOVE scrappy quilts!

2 Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I have lots of scraps, I need to get inspired to ACTION!

3 antique quilter said...

beautiful quilts, love scrappy quilts hope to start a new one today :)

4 Chris said...

Nice string quilt! Like the one in your banner too!

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