Monday, 16 June 2014

Monday morning memories

A couch throw finished by my mother for my Aunt J,
who can't remember making it anymore.
You can see my mother peeking out at the top left.

It was about one-third done when she moved to a care home
and my mother offered to finish it.

She just has to complete the fringed edges.
I encouraged her to put on a label
saying "begun by J. S., finished by M.S.)
so others will remember who made it.

It's Swedish (?) embroidery with a variegated yarn.

It looks lovely and muted in real
and my iPhone pix don't really do it justice
because the lightest part of the yarn doesn't show.


1 Vicki W said...

That's beautiful! I seem to remember my Aunt doing a project using that technique. She made a little of everything.

2 June said...

It's really beautiful - may I suggest a little editing of the picture would make a big difference, if you want to enhance the colour etc.

3 Terri said...

That is beautiful! Absolutely should be labeled.

4 Sujata Shah said...

It's beautiful and precious! That must have taken so long to make! I like your idea of the label.

5 Quiltdivajulie said...

What a beautiful piece of work!

I love your idea of the label.

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