Tuesday, 13 September 2011

What inspires me this week

Victoria over at Bumble Beans is asking bloggers about what inspires them this week.
My recent inspiration is this linen calendar tea towel from 1974, which I purchased from a thrift shop for $1.
 I like the blocks of colour, the saturated colours, and the funky fruits and vegetables.

Usually, I just stockpile my linen finds for some as yet unknown future project,
 but I decided to cut this one up into a tea cozy to give to a friend.
I machine quilted around the calendar blocks and free motioned around the fruits and vegetables.

Then I bound it in Harley orange (left over from my mother's HOG quilt) and it's ready to go.
Thanks for inspiring me to be inspired, Victoria!


Nifty Quilts said...

Brilliant! I love it.

Jan said...

Clever, and cute!

Nancy said...
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Nancy said...

Great idea!

Here's what I did with some linen calendars.


Susan said...

Oh my gosh...I love it! What a great idea!

Quiltdivajulie said...

I love it!!!!!!!

Helen said...

What a beautiful and most useful gift!!!

Rosalyn Manesse said...

Well you did a great job of making something beautiful and useful out of an old discard!

Myra said...

Love it! Awesome Brenda! 8-)

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Such a great use of that fabric!! love it!

Karen said...

Have you ever looked at Teddy Pruett's quilts? She uses parts of dish towels and a bit of everything. Take a stroll through her galleries. She is one wild woman when it comes to telling stories and making quilts.


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