Thursday, 2 June 2011

If you see it as an engineering problem...

...then Mom's sewing machine is a lot more interesting.
When I set up my Juki on the dining room table the other day, my 15-year-old engineer had to take a look. I've had the machine for six months and couldn't get the hang of the automatic needle-threader, but he studied the manual and figured it out. He wasn't interested in the machine as a way to sew, but he thought it was fun to understand it.


1 pjwould said...

Hooray for teenage boys! I have one, too. Congratulations on your engineer.

2 Barb said...

I love this post...I have s son that will play with my new machines and then I go to him if I have a problem and the needle threader was one of fun...

3 Susan said...

Please send him over here and show me how to work mine...I haven't been able to figure it out either!

4 Quiltdivajulie said...

Married to an engineer ... oh, do I EVER understand (and love) it.

5 Paulette said...

Yay! Now you'll wonder how you ever did without it!

6 Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

hehe! yeah! gadget boys can do anything!

7 Millie said...

I work for a manufacturing company. One of the design engineers (a CAD guy) was looking at one of my quilts and asking how a long arm quilting machine worked. I was telling him, and suddenly he brightened up. "Do you know how a sewing machine works?" he asked. Then he described the process, which he'd learned on one of the science TV shows a few days prior. (I already knew, but let him tell me about it.) It was funny to hear him so excited.

8 Clare said...

DH is a great one for taking things apart and not putting them back together again. I won't let him anywhere near my machines.

9 Mary-Kay said...

That's great that your son figured it out for you. My mom has a Brother with the needle threader and my son figured it out for her. By the time I got a machine with the needle threader, it was old hat for us and I had to show my sister how to use that feature on her machine.

10 Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Lucky you, having an interested engineer around! I have an in-house engineer too, but his eyes glaze over even thinking of computers or hooking up tvs or other useful stuff that goes on in my sewing room...

11 Rosalyn Manesse said...

What a great photo. I have had my machine for a few years now and I've never even tried the automatic needle threader. I ought to see if it even works

Anonymous said...

I consider myself mechanically inclined but my automatic threader makes me crazy. Have your son do a tutorial! LOL

13 Myra said...

Awesome! Good for him! Great keepsake photo Brenda! 8-)

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