Saturday, 5 March 2011

Brenda's Big B Birthday Bee

I'm having a big birthday soon, and I'd like to make a quilt of free-pieced Bs, (for Brenda's Big Birthday), with your help. I'm inviting you to make a capital B, any size, surrounded by a generous amount of background, so I can put together a liberated "B" quilt from my blogging friends. Even if you've never made a B before, give it a try. I'll even give you a hand if you click here.

I've started already, but there's room for about 45 more...

Get out some fun fabrics
or some text prints

or some quilty fabrics
 or some fun colours
or send me a message with your fabrics
I'd love some "B"irthday wishes from you.

Check out this page for a tutorial on how to make a B.

Deadline is April 6, 2011. Leave a comment and I'll email you my mailing address.


1 Purple Pam said...

Must it be a patchwork B, or can it be an appliqued B?

2 Michele said...

I'd love to make a "B" block!

3 Clare said...

Count me in. Heading up to the sewing room.

4 quiltathome said...

Yeah! Looking forward to making a big "B". Will get started tonight!

5 Barb said...

Love them still....

6 VivJM said...

Ooh, I think I could manage a B...I have just the fabric ;-)

7 Tonya Ricucci said...

wheee, I B doing it! although reminders would help with the size of my brain lately!!! very fun! love that last B in your photos by the way, very creative.

8 Cyndi said...

I'll do it! It'll be my first letter from Tonya's book!

9 Quiltdivajulie said...

Yes, indeed ~ I'm in! Woo Hoo!

Anonymous said...

sure, I'm in!

11 jovaliquilts said...

Yes, I'm in! I actually had a great idea, too, just hope I'm up to getting it to look like a B when it's done. :)

12 PurplePickle said...

Hi Lady,
I would love to make a block for your B-Day.
Mary C.

13 Jenny Squawk said...

Count me in. Sounds like such a cute idea for a quilt. I want to see how it will turn out. Plus, Happy Birthday!

First time checking out your blog, new follower. I'm just the type to jump in on just about everything.

14 deborah said...

I will make a bee line to my sewing machine to make a B - my first letter from Tonya's book!

15 Sharon said...

Count me in too. I'll help you "B" all you can "B"! hee hee!

And thanx for the little tute.

16 joe tulips said...

I have a B for you, see it at the unruly blog! Once this idea popped into my head....I HAD to do it! Need address!!! Thanks!

17 Laurie said...

I'd love to make a B block. I'll do it on my birthday, tomorrow.

18 Janet said...

A B for Brenda's birthday? Bet your boots! Let me know where to send one...

19 Rene' said...

I want to play too ;-))

20 mtnquiltr said...

I'm looking forward to trying this!
Need address, B will B in the mail on Monday!

21 Brenda said...

mtnquiltr: you're no-reply. can you email me instead?

22 beth said...

I"m hoping to sew you a B today! In honor of your bday and national quilting day! Two great reasons to celebrate! Send me an address and I'll get going on it!

23 Heidi said...

Please send me your address :-)

24 Darling Millie said...

Hi Brenda, I'll make you a B for your 5oth!

sign me up!


25 berylthepearl said...

I'd love to make a B for you, send me your address. I also have Tonya's book to help me!

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