Friday, 15 October 2010

we need more off the wall action!

I've got lots going on on my design wall

a couple of table runners: the one on the left from a kit I won from Mrs. Moen in Norway. Beside it is one made from those selvage blocks of a few weeks back. I rearranged them to make a table runner instead of the baby quilt. And then there's those scrappy buildings, a few nine patches...

Here's a block from green scraps leftover from my banner....
Lots of piecing going on, not so much in the finishing department.
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1 Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

I hear the lack of finishing refrain in my studio as well. It's so cool to see several projects in the works and watch as they proceed... or not !~!

2 Sujata Shah said...

Oooo.. I love the little house on the right! What are you doing with that?

I haven't sewn quilt related patches in a week.. seems like forever. My design wall looks like yours only deserted!

Can't wait to see what you do with all these!

3 Selvage Quilter said...

Wow, lots of good stuff going on at your blog. So inspirational.

4 Joyce said...

That's a busy design wall. I wonder starting is so much more fun than finishing?

5 Pokey said...

How inspiring your wall is! Among my faves is the village table runner, I loved it and wanted it SO-O very much, but it probably wouldn't be put together as far as you have it, lol! How fun it all is!

6 Vivian said...

Looking at your wall, for once I'd say finishing is overrated. You look like you've been having a lot of fun! I like it.

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