Monday, 4 October 2010

Sometimes it's all about the process....

so today I'm showing you works in progress,
like this scrappy selvage baby quilt on my wall
and this tea cosy, made from Kaffe and other lovely wide selvages, and lots of skinny ones...

or these needlebooks, which need their inside pages.....

and a few more, which need to be turn right-side out and topstitched...

and this pile of selvages, waiting for more projects, or to be put away...

and my best work in progess, two teenagers who look smart in their school uniforms...

but goofy in the picture!


1 LuAnn said...

Love the way you put the selvage border on the quilt.

2 Joyce said...

You've been busy!

3 Sylvia said...

Definitely cool that you are not letting anything go to waste... I love how you are using the salvages.

4 Tonya Ricucci said...

whee for getting stuff done.

5 Rosalyn Manesse said...

What a super amount of great sewing!

6 Abby and Stephanie said...

Lots of terrific projects. I really like the baby quilt with the selvedge/charcoal border. Love the splash of FMF lime green.

7 Karen said...

I like what you have done with the selvedge edges. Something different.

8 Michele Bilyeu said...

I love the freedom of your playing, Brenda. I do think your dynamic duo in their super suits got their sense of fun from you ;) Cute!

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