This summer bedspread came into my possession via my mother, who found it in a thrift shop. It measures 72 by 96, is hand appliqued and machined pieced. The top has a narrow hem, except on one side where the maker left the selvage edge. It has 15 basket blocks set on point alternating with orange/peach squares. The white background fabric is flour-sacking, appliqued with various prints. How old do those prints look to you? Some of the prints look fairly modern, like that striped flower in the middle block. The top has some stains on it, and is has been used by the looks of the fraying seam allowances in the back. I'm thinking of taking out the basket blocks from the orange (which is overpowering) and setting them together into a smaller quilt. Or not. Or maybe I'll
regift it.
Very nice . I think taking out the basket blocks is a good idea. The orange is certainly overpowering. It makes it look very 70s.
I suspect (if I kept it) that I would take it apart and re-set the basket blocks into my own creation. Aside from that, does it "speak" to you at all? If not, let it go to someone where it will...
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