Saturday 16 August 2008

Summer gifts

I had a banner week in terms of quilt-y gifts. I got these wof cuts of word fabric from Terry. In June, she spent an evening in my sewing room, and showed me some of her quilts, including the I-Spy ones she makes as gifts. Here's a pix of one of those below -- this one has a library theme.

I gave her some of my lipstick fabric and a few other novelties to round out her I Spy collection, although it's quite huge already. Terry's visit motivated me to start my own I Spy collection, and I found a dozen or more in my stash that would work, although I have to admit I cut into some of them for my Fungly Challenge quilt. As my mother says, "You'll never need it is as much as you do now." So I used it. By the time I make an I Spy, I figure I'll have lots more fabrics to choose from.

And after meeting Quilt Pixie for tea in a coffee shop halfway between my house and her workplace (actually only a three-minute walk for either of us) I now have a few more novelties plus lots more scraps and strings. Some of these are going into my Fungly quilt, but others I'll save for another project, or to brighten up a string quilt I'm making for a friend this fall.

She also gave me a covered notebook, beautifully decorated with a wonky star. I love it, and I like the way she made the star. Instead of starting with squares, it looks like she made the four cuts (two across, two vertical) first from a bigger piece of fabric, and then put on the points. Sort of like those magic tile quilts/stack and whack patterns everyone seems to make. Thanks to both of you.
Quilt Pixie also showed me the little stack and whack squares she made, as well as her Homage to Edith quilt. And her stunning cat bag. Check it out for yourself. I have to say, as much fun as it is looking at everyone's work on blogs, seeing it in person is so much better. I need to see with my fingers as well to get the full quilt experience!


Tonya Ricucci said...

"You'll never need it as much as you do now" - oooh, excellent sewing advice. That's so great you and Pixie are so geographically close. and what fun fabric.

Purple Pam said...

I love your fungly quilt. I have not seen one yet that I do not like. Your spy fabrics are fun, too.

Cher said...

I like your version of the funlgy so much! and..lucky you to meet quiltpixie in person-always so delightful to meet a fellow quilt blogger in person.

PrairiePeasant said...

I Spy quilts are great fun! I have Ami Simms "Picture Play Quilts" if you want inspiration and templates. I'm sure I could contribute to your I Spy collection too...

Sharon said...

Your fungly blocks look good! Great block to really show off those fabrics!
I'm having stash envy - you got some great fabrics. And I 2nd the thought of prairie peasant re: Ami Simms and "Picture Play Quilts". Check out her web site for photos of quilts done with her patterns. They're very quick and easy! And if you need some more I Spy fabrics, drop me a line. I have more than I'll use in my lifetime!

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