Friday, 8 March 2019

Blue stars nearly finished

I collected a bunch of blue friendship stars from friends
for a group quilt project.
The parameters were that the stars had to be blue, the backgrounds neutral,
and they had to spin the same way, and finish at 9 inches

I dispersed the solid stars among the rest of them,
and then offset them by 3 inches to make them dance.
It all went together quickly, and I had enough blue scraps to make the piano key border.

One friend donated three metres of indigo fabric for the backing.
I had a few stars left, so I pieced together the backing,
but not without some serious calculations.
And I have just enough yardage left to cut the binding.

Here's the finished back.
It doesn't look nearly as complicated as it was.
I love little pieces and I don't mind making 500 seams in the front,
but I'm grumpy about more than one seam in the back.
It's not quite a finish, except that I finished both the top and the backing this week,
so I'm claiming it.


1 Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I feel the same way about backs. Occasionally I'll do a more involved backing and it just reminds me all over again that one seam is too many!

2 Louise said...

It looks super, Brenda! The piano key border is such a great idea :)

3 The Joyful Quilter said...

Progress is good!! Best of luck with the quilting.

4 Quiltdivajulie said...

Funny how some of us enjoy making pieced scrappy backs and others avoid it like the plague. Yours looks GREAT.

5 Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Lovely quilt. I love how you offset columns to make the stars dance. Great idea.

6 Marie said...

Lovely group effort for a lovely quilt. I had to smile when you said you don't mind sewing 500 seams in the front but get grumpy when there is more than one seam on the back. I know the feeling!

7 Shelina said...

Both the back and the front of the quilt look great! A pieced back is a harder, but the efforts are worth it!

8 patty a. said...

You did a great job piecing that top together. It is going to be a very pretty quilt when it is done. When I get to the backing fabric I think I get in a hurry and just want to get the layers together and get to quilting. Having to do piecing slows me down! You did a nice job of incorporating the rest of the blocks in the backing.

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