Friday, 22 February 2019

15 Finishes for February

I spent the holiday weekend (Louis Riel Day in Manitoba)
making a dozen of these needle books
I used up scraps and sewing prints and little bits of patchwork
to make each one slightly different.

I use wool felt for the inside pages.
I love the saturation of colour in the wool.

I used to make them from selvage dots like the one at the left,
but now I make mini quilts. 
The one at the top used leftover blades from a Dresden project
on a Westminster Liberty Art fabric.
That one had flown off to QuiltCon as a gift for someone
before I got the picture of all 12 together.

I also said goodbye to this little guy,
who didn't mind sitting in the snow in his new track suit.
He is now fully clothed and has a new home.

I started this quilt at a retreat in January and finished it two weeks later.
It has a pink Eden print by Tula Pink on the back.

Here's the front, made from one and a half charm packs and hourglass blocks in two colours.
It is a really simple quilt with a great visual effect. 
The two grey colours make on point squares around the charm squares,
making the quilt look like it was set on point.

Here you can see the beginnings on my design wall.

I spent 45 minutes quilting this top which had sat in a drawer for two years.
I used a Warm and Natural batting and a micro fleece for the backing.
I'm donating it to an organization outfitting people affected by recent apartment building fires.
I figure there's some little kid out there that will have fun driving on these roads.

And my last finish:
A Valentine placemat for my mom, made from a set of charms with love and heart themes.

Here she is with it and her birthday roses.
She turned 82 on Valentine's Day.


1 Quiltdivajulie said...

What a lot of lovely stiitching you accomplished -- love your rescue of the C.P. doll.

2 Nicole said...

Love the trick with the hourglass blocks!

And hooray for a productive holiday.

3 Louise said...

That charm square quilt is so bright and happy! And I love the curvy road on the one with all the cars and trucks. So clever! :)

4 Barb said...

such a productive month! Your doll with the track suit is adorable!
Your needle books are just wonderful. Lovely little Valentines Day present

5 patty a. said...

Congratulations on getting several of those lingering projects done! That always feels good! The needle books are very nice and I am sure will be appreciated by everyone who gets one. They will make nice little gifts and they are so useful! I am glad you show showed how you put that quilt together. That is so clever because the way you put them together was so much easier that setting them on point. Happy birthday to your Mom!

6 Christina said...

You are such an inspiration! so many different projects finished! Thank you again for my beautiful gift. I have never had such a nice needlebook and the little pocket is just perfect to keep track of my scissors! I will be using the little quilt on my new nightstand I think, as I'm moving things around in my home and I'll finally have a place to set a drink next to the bed!
Much love to you Brenda. XOX

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