Monday, 18 March 2019

New name, less traffic?

Occasionally I check my blog statistics on the design toggle,
and I've been seeing high traffic for my pieced letter and curved piecing tutorials. 
Stupidly I thought it was because of the content,
but really it was because of the name, which I'm not going to repeat here,
but I will let you buy a vowel.
The title of the letter making tutorial was Str*p Pieced letters
Now it is Shortcut Pieced letters
to prevent spambots from searching it out and thinking this is
an adult-content site.
I also changed the Curved Str*p Piecing tutorial to Curved Piecing.
I imagine anyone clicking on the links  wasn't interested in quilting..

I notice that several adult websites are driving traffic to my blog.
Anyone know how to prevent that?
Update: After changing the names, some of spambot traffic has found other places to land.


1 Quiltdivajulie said...

I get a lot of spam from random sources, but not adult sites. Hopefully your changes will slow that trend.

2 patty a. said...

Who knew the word strip was such a magnet! That quilt you posted - how big is it? I like it a lot! Very pretty!

3 Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Very interesting! Who knew. Now if you can tell me how to keep from getting anonymous comments without requiring comments to be made from a Blogger Identity, I'd be happy to know it. I do notice that I have a lot of iffy follows coming from Bloglovin'. I'd like to block them but have not been able to figure out how.
xx, Carol

4 Shelina said...

I felt like I had to change my vocabulary a lot to avoid those kinds of visits, but you know, they are going to happen anyway, so now I go ahead and say what I want to say using the words I want to use. The only people being disappointed will be the ones who shouldn't be on my site in the first place.

5 Rose Marie said...

I've been getting this traffic too. I've been careful about my wording but didn't consider str*p would draw them in. Many thanks for this tip.

6 Nifty Quilts said...

Oh geez! Glad it's at least partially resolved. I didn't know quilting was an X-rated activity!

7 Preeti said...

Daniela Stout of Cozy Quilt Designs did several tutorials for jelly roll patterns. She began every video with "Welcome to the Strip club". Everyone laughed. And then she dived into the tutorial/pattern. No big whoop.
I sometimes get traffic from adult sites. I have no idea how or why. But I try not to pay any attention to it. Not sure whether changing names would change the traffic patterns. Your quilt looks bright and very modern.

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