Thursday 18 November 2010

A new arrival

First there was this

Then I graduated to this (beginning with my mother's new 1969 Elna Supermatic. I got this used SP in 1985.)

Then a few months ago, my mother gave me one of her Singer Featherweights, a free-arm 222K. Note the fun quilted mat with storage pockets underneath that I made from fabrics in an aqua theme.

Then today it happened. I bought my first new machine ever. (Technically, it's also the first machine I ever bought, which is curious since I've been sewing for 40 years. Thanks mom, for all the sewing machine love.)

A Juki TL-98 Q with needle threader and thread cutter. It took me maybe 15 minutes from carting the box upstairs to getting ready to sew. I love the separate bobbin winder, the thread cutter, the speed (1500 stitches per minute) and I think I'm getting the hang of the needle threader. The directions on that aren't easy to follow, but Sue at the store took time to show me those features.

Three hours after I brought it home, I had finished sewing these strips together to make a 60 by 80 donation quilt.

And just so you know, I'm not planning on abandoning any of the above machines. All of them, except the little red one, have their place in my sewing life. The FW is my take-along machine, since it is only 12 lbs., the Elna will continue to be the workhorse it's always been, hemming jeans and zigzagging and garment sewing, and the Juki will be my quilting and free-motion machine.

And if any of you have a Juki like this and have some advice for me, I'd love to hear it.


beth said...

I also have a juki and love it!! Oil and clean the lint...that's all there is to it!

Scrappy quilter said...

Have fun with your new sewing machine.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

We sold the Juki where I worked but I ended up buying the Babylock Professional Quilter which is very much like the Juki. I wonder if they are made by the same manufacturer. I know you will love the machine. It does the most beautiful straight stitch, unlike a zig zag machine which has a slight wobble.

Michele Bilyeu said...

How wonderful! Congratulations...and I do believe both you and the machine are fast sew-ers...that's awesome!

Finn said...

Congratulation on your first new machine! Nothing like sewing machine love to stir a quilters heart! The new Juki looks like an awesome machine, and how wonderful to have the others from Mom(especially the FW and the mat!) I wish you many happy hours of sewing adventures. Hugs, Finn

Joyce said...

Great looking machine. It reminds me of the Pfaff on my frame. It's nice to have a fast machine that does only straight stitches. You get a perfect seam. Where did you get it?

Quiltdivajulie said...

Here's to a long, happy, and productive relationship!!!

em's scrapbag said...

Oh the sewing machine goodnesss in this blog. I love my FW. Enjoy your new machine.

9patchnurse said...

Oooooo! Cool machines. I haven't used my Brother in a while. seeing that Juki makes me want to get it out since it also has super fast straight stitching. Enjoy!

heath said...

This is a surprise to me... I will admit it publicly... I have NEVER heard of a Juki. I'll look forward to meeting her.

Clare said...

I'd be happy enough with the FW. It's my dream to own one, but the new addition to the family looks great.

Happy sewing.

bonnie said...

I have a Juki and I love it. It certainly weighs more than 12 lbs. I found that it is fabulous for quilting and straight seams. Recently I used a friend's machine and got very frustated when the machine sucked the first few threads at the beginning of a seam into the bobbin area. With my Juki I sew several stitches before starting on the fabric (to stabilize the ends of the seams) and it always goes smoothly. They are built for industrial sewing and they mean it.

Carol Penner said...

Hi! Good luck with the new machine! I have a singer featherweight too! I also am enjoying looking at all those patches you sent me....still puzzling on what I am going to make! Thanks!

Chris Daly said...

Congratulations! My Juki is also the first machine I ever bought for myself. I LOVE IT! Wishing you many happy sewing days ahead!

Rosalyn Manesse said...

That red machine is so cute! I finally bought a decent machine a few years ago--it's a Viking. Sews great.

Paulette said...

I have the same Juki machine, and I love it. I still keep my vintage Singers because they're good at what they do (one of them zigzags, etc.). I'm still getting comfortable quilting with the Juki, but even that's coming along nicely. Tip: If you use a fine, silky thread and it's not sewing well, re-thread the machine and go through all 3 holes in the first do-hickey you thread through. Do-hickey is the technical term, but they call it something else in the manual. Have fun!

Kim said...

Oh congratulations.......isn't she a beauty..and look at the long neck.....are you going to use it for machine quilting too?
Enjoy getting to know her...I have two machines set up them and spend many happy hours sitting with them :0)

Happy sewing

Myra said...

Love your little Red!!! I had a little Pink that my mother so kindly gave away... still not over that one!!
My FW needs to be serviced to be ready as my take out machine... That is the plan...
A Juki!!! Wow! Good for you Brenda! I wish you many happy years with it!! 8-)

Tonya Ricucci said...

ooh, I almost got sucked into buying one of these babies after my friend V visited and raved about hers.. good luck with it!

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