Monday 15 November 2010

Destashing and do-gooding

I'm guest posting at the Stash Manicure blog today, so head over there to see how you can use up yards and metres of fabric and do some good at the same time. If you're over here from Stash Manicure, here's another idea to use up lots of fabric quickly and productively. And thanks for visiting!
I cut my leftover fabrics into bricks, blocks and strips in Bonnie's Scrap User system on Quiltville. Here's a plastic shoe box full of 3.5 inch strips, some 12 inches long, other width of fabric. I'm making a 60 by 80 inch donation blanket for Mennonite Central Committee, so I sewed together strips until they were roughly 60 inches. I taped a tape measure to the edge of the table for easy measuring.

For a 80" blanket, I need 27  strips which are each 60 inches long. I sewed and cut and then started sewing pairs together, squaring them off at one end.

I laid out more strip sets together, and sewed the pairs into sets of four strips, continuing until the quilt top is done.

This top is still in process, but I plan to layer it on a batting and backing 64 by 84 inches, then tie it and bring the back to the front for the binding. The best part is that all the strips in the bins are used up, and I've used up lots of old and dated fabrics.
Thanks again for visiting. Good luck in using up scraps!


Joyce said...

I'll bet this method uses up scraps a lot faster than mine, making tiny wonky houses...Lol.

Jo Vandermey said...

Saw your post on Stash Manicure. Hopped over here via my blogger reader. Love your ideas!

Scrappy quilter said...

I love donating to MCC. They do such a great work.

Finn said...

Great tutorial Brenda, love it! I've been doing what I call "strippy quilts" in much the same method, altho not quite that big. One difference is that I do the right angle join as I add length to the strip. It does give you those extra triangles to use later, but looks kinda neat with the diagonal Cut. Friend Betsy sticks a 4 patch or HST inbetween her strips as she joins them. Gets those used up too. Hugs, Finn

jacquie said...

hey brenda,
you're one of my giveaway winners. drop me an email and we can talk about a custom fabric bundle for you.

Vals Quilting said...

this scrappy top is looking really good...looks like city lanes of traffic :)

found you from your post at Stash

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