Saturday 13 November 2010

Finally something to show you

I got my sewing mojo back after a couple of weeks away from the machine and finished this 42 by 42 inch top from other people's scraps. I'm going to machine quilt it, bind it in purple and donate it to the local children's hospital.

Meanwhile, my table needed a few more placemats,so here are two from scraps I got in a recent scrap exchange. I like the sueded looking hand dyes in the top one and the fun prints in the bottom one.

And I finally finished the binding on this scrap and selvage table runner.

Here's the back, a polished cotton with the whole colour spectrum on it. I like the Kaffe binding from both sides.

I spent the day quilting with friends. Here's Val with her batik quilt.
And here's the black and white quilt she was working on which just needs some borders. She found some great b/w prints to showcase here.


Myra said...

Oooo... A great sew, show and tell Brenda!! Wonderful quilts!! Thanks for sharing! 8-)

Scrappy quilter said...

Oh my word, look at that batik one...stunning!! Now why didn't I think of placemats. Hmmm I really like yours. I think I might just make a few. I definitely need them.

Rosalyn Manesse said...

Fabulous--you have made lovely quilts out of the humblest scraps

Tonya Ricucci said...

woohoo and yippee for getting your mojo back!

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