Monday 22 November 2010

Basket bounty

Karen brought her finished basket top to our last guild meeting. She asked for on point baskets, but set them straight. Mine are the ones in the top left and bottom right corners. The striped borders are courtesy of Cheryl, who found them in her stash and passed them on to Karen for this purple and green quilt. Head over to Laura's blog to see the latest installment of black, white and aqua blocks for our fall challenge. I was too busy at the refreshment table to get a picture of those.


beth said...

What a pretty quilt! That border was MADE for it. WOW!

em's scrapbag said...

my daughter would love this quilt it is in her favorite colors.

Em said...

I really enjoy that the baskets have cohesive fabrics but take on different shapes! Very fun!!!

Myra said...

A wonderful basket quilt Brenda, and that stripe finishes it off quite nicely... Is this Karen's, or a donation quilt?
The B&Ws on Laura's blog are wonderful! What a creative group of gals!!!

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