Friday 26 November 2010

Process, play and practice

Process:  I put these 6 inch squares together as  a leader/ender project and I made a few stars to brighten up the effect. There's lots of greens in it, some pinks, and other brown/neutral prints. I'm not sure where to go next with this -- at 44 inches it's a strange size for a baby quilt, but it's not big enough for anything else. I have enough blocks to put another row or two, but then do I need more stars? Or should I throw in some sashing?

Play: Here's my monochromatic blocks in warm tones and cool tones for the 15 minutes play bee.

I've been playing with my new Juki TL98Q to get the feel of it. I'm not quite ready to quilt a real quilt, so I've made some strip-pieced pads with pockets for Singer Featherweights. You can click on the photos to see my uneven stitches. Some days I can free motion like an old pro, and other days I just plain suck at it. The tensions at the back of these aren't all great, but then again they may never be washed. I still need to put on the bindings, but otherwise they're done.

Here's the one I made for my own Featherweight, made on my old Elna.

If you're still with me, I'm willing to give away one of the Featherweight pads to one lucky blog reader who owns a Singer Featherweight. The only conditions of this giveaway are that I choose which one, since I'm making some for local friends and they get first pick, and that you never, EVER remark on my bad quilting stitches. These are practise pieces that go under your machine. I'm proud of the piecing and the colour combos, but the stitching not so much. If you want a chance at this giveway, leave me a comment with your email by Wednesday, Dec. 1.


Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I think they look great Brenda and I would love one for under my Featherweight!

Barb said...

Looks like you have some fun things going on.

I love the baskets below!!

9patchnurse said...

Great stuff Brenda. I think if you added sashing and a border around the 4 stars, it would help add some size the quilt. Then maybe an outer border then voila! I love those featherweight pads. Count me in. I have a featherweight that I want to get out and play with.

Paulette said...

Rats! I don't have a Featherweight, just a Singer 301. Anyway, I love your pads, and your quilting looks completely awesome to me!

Cathi said...

I have had a Featherweight for years & have never used it. Just have it on display. One of your pads would make it even more special.

Dolly said...

What a neat idea to practice on something like this. I think you did great.....the practice is SO helpful, even if quilting something larger is a bit more difficult; it still comes down to just the part right in front of your hands !

I'd be happy to own one of these Featherweight poor little Featherweight hardly ever sees the light of day since I moved away from my little quilting group. She could use some cheering up with a quilt made just for her......LOL !

Dolly said...

Oh, and on the squares and stars.......I think that if you added the rest of the squares that you have and broke the stars up to be randomly placed among the squares here and there, you'd have a neat-sized little quilt, and very pretty to boot !

Myra said...

Looks like you've been having big fun with Juki! 8-)

Joyce said...

I could see a border between the stars and the squares. If it's still not big enough slap on a nice wide border. I really like the colours in this one. And I love wonky stars.

Tivoli West said...

Wonderful job. My featherweight would love a beautiful pad to sit on. I really enjoy your blog, thanks!

MamaT said...

I would love to have one. Right now, I put my Featherweight on half of a rubber backed old rug.

Gari in AL said...

Oh, I have a beautiful 1946 Featherweight that would love a special mat under it. And since my quilting frequently isn't up to the standard I would like it to be, I never remark on anyone's work. Besides, quilting should be fun, progressing, and fun.

Kathy said...

Me and my Featherweight would love to have a pad so it will not keep sliding when I am stitching like a made women. I like the leaf vine you quilted. Keep up the good work! And thanks for doing the giveaway.

Clare said...

Oh pffff! I knew there was a reason why I needed to own a Featherweight!

I agree with Joyce about the blocks.

Louise said...

My featherweight would love it's own little quilted pad! If I don't win yours, I will surely create my own.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the chance to win. I love my featherweight and it would love to have a pad under it.

Bobbi Branky said...

Nancy, I think your stitching is lovely!

MamaT said...

Just checking....Does this count as 2 entries? LOL

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