Saturday 2 May 2009

Scrap Quilting, anyone?

I've never apologized for being a scrap quilter, since I think it embodies the best of quilting: using up leftovers, making something from nothing, using what you have, and not being beholden to the latest and greatest fabric lines.(Although I do love looking at all the new stuff, but I invariably buy from the sale bin.) OK, I'm cheap---er thrifty -- but not as much as you might think. Yesterday I found myself explaining scrap quilting to several people at a area quilt show, mostly because I seemed to be one of the few quiltmakers displaying work actually using scraps.

And I also explained how to make crumb blocks to more than one person . My Strokes of Midnight was much admired, and although I've posted it before, it looks better when hung from a quilt stand.
So does my Ecumenical Squares, which also got people asking questions. One woman was fooled by the design, which is just alternating 16 patch and 4-patches.
Here they are hanging close to each other in the show. I also exhibited some small priority quilts and my Baskets of News quilt, but this show had so many small quilts that they were all jammed together and so I didn't bother with a picture. The lesson learned here is that full-sized quilts are displayed better because they fit onto the stands, whereas the smaller ones are grouped together and often their impact is lost because of what's right beside them.

I'll post more pictures of the show soon. Strangely, for being a journalist, I hardly took any pictures. I'm also a bit shy about showing other people's stuff on my blog without express permission.


Brenda said...

I think your 'scrap' quilts are great!! I love scraps!! And I am glad you explained your methods to people.... now, you have probably inspired more people to use what they have - and make great quilts of their own. Because a scrap quilt is all your own, no one can copy it, and if you use a special fabric, you have already put memories into the project. We might all use the same pattern, but when it comes to using scraps, not one will look like another. And that is why I love scrap quilts.

Bebesboutique said...

I really like you scrap quilts. I have a large purese I made useing my scraps. It is bright and colorful and I get many comments and tell people about scrap pieceing. You paid for every bit of fabric so might as well use it.

I know what you mean about the way large and small quilts are displayed. I recently went to a quilt show and the impact was lost on the smaller quilts.

PrairiePeasant said...

It's too bad there weren't many scrap quilts at the show, but I'm glad there was interest for you to explain. I think it shows far more creativity to use fabrics this way than just use a pre-coordinated package of "designer" fabrics. Way to go for entering these quilts!

Janet said...

Scrapy is the name of the game. Like you I like to use what I have and buy what is on sale. Its a challenge to work with your stash (which is exactly what I did with my last two posted quilts) I like your labels in free-pieced letters.

Tonya Ricucci said...

hope you made some converts. the quilts look beautiful hung.

Joyce said...

Your quilts looked very good in the show and it's a breath of fresh air to see that kind of quilt. If I had not been so busy with our other show I would have shown one of my crumb quilts too. I couldn't remember if I had shown it last year though. It was nice to meet you again at the show .

Malissa said...

I'm totally with you on the scrap quilting. I don't really have the money or the desire to keep up with what is "trendy" (although the designer fabrics really do appeal, and some of them are downright gorgeous). I'll sometimes get scraps from people who do use those, but more than anything I am a sale-binner, too. I agree with you -- have always felt quilting should be more about using what you have than buying what is new and sexy. The difference between you and me is that your quilts turn out gorgeous and mine are pretty, well, scrappy.

Scrappy quilter said...

Great quilts and I'm glad they are scrappy quilts. I'm a scrappy quilter too. I'm just too frugal not to be. I love scrappy quilts.

Rosalyn Manesse said...

That orange fabric is super to use with the scraps!

Lily Ann said...

I love making quilts from scraps. In fact, that's what we've done in our family for generations. Just looking at your beautiful quilts makes me want to go make one. Thanks for the good ideas. I'm hoping to get my own scrap box sewed up. If anyone has trouble getting their quilt quilted, just visit The Quilting Bee Family's web page. We offer quilting services. We do hand-quilting only.

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