Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Making little things

I've been playing with little bits, mostly in wool, for the last few weeks.
First up are little houses, about 2.5 inches tall,
made from felted wool and wool felt and melton,
and cut out with a die cutter.
In the past, I've hand stitched them together with a blanket stitch,
but this time sewed them by machine, using a dark thread
to outline details.

And then I made a few more VW buses,
also by machine,
even outlined the windshield with stitching.
These have all found new homes,
and I made 10 more which are part of a Christmas garland.

I've added some beading along the roof line to look like Christmas lights
on these bigger houses, also cut with a die cutter.

I posted 12 Days of Christmas Tree quilts
on Instagram (@brendasuderman) earlier this month,
and here are all 12 quilts (actually 13).

This is my latest tree quilt,
made entirely from 2 inch HST from my scrap box.

This hand dyed tree made with an easy cathedral window technique
and a linen background was my other 2018 tree quilt.
It measures 9.5 by 12.5 inches.

I'm leaving you with pix from some of the little tree quilts 
from other years.
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!


1 Nifty Quilts said...

Fun projects, trees, houses and VW busses! What could be better? The first little houses really stole my heart. Happy holidays at your house!

2 Ann said...

My favorites are the adorable tiny tree quilts. Have fun.

3 Louise said...

So many darling projects! The VW buses are my favorites. So. Stinkin'. Cute!

A very Merry Christmas to you and your family :)

4 patty a. said...

I am just catching up on my blog reading after being away for the holidays. Your wool ornaments are so cute! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season!

5 Sujata Shah said...

Oh so much fun those little houses and trailers are! Lovely tree quilts too. Right, not all projects habe to be enormous!! Good reminder Brenda!

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