Friday, 30 November 2018

Making Christmas Trees

Inspired by a tutorial by Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Company,
I put together a Christmas tree quilt from scrappy HSTs.
These finish at 2 inches. Hers are much bigger.
I run my small scraps through the die cutter and store the shapes in small tins.
Then whenever I need a little project, or some parts I've got them.
This is now pieced and quilted,
and I'll show you the finished product once I have the binding sewn on.

I saw another tutorial for easy cathedral windows.
You know the kind -- where you place a square folded diagonally on another square,
sew the seams, and then curve back the diagonal.
It seems like a good technique, but there are six layers in those middle seams.
I used over dyed white on white fabrics for the trees,
and linen for the background, and put in lots of quilting stitches.
It is quite stiff, which is perfect for a wall hanging.

I helped set up a craft and bake sale last weekend,
and nearly took these folks home with me.
The other volunteers debated with me on the price.
I said $100, but I think they settled on $60.
Too cheap when you consider the amount of work in this.
All the pieces were beautifully knit and finished, and the faces were great.
And it is very tactile.
I debated buying it myself, but the organizer didn't want to pre-sell it,
so I consoled myself with posting pix on social media.

I put together 10 trays of 36 assorted cookies for the same sale.
Two guys in my house donated some, and a bunch of others from my church did too,
so we had 30 dozen cookies to mix and match.
I know bake sales are old school, but these trays sold for $25 each.

And a close up of a progress shot of the tree quilt.
If you're on Instagram, check out my 
#12daysofchristmastreequilts on my account @brendasuderman.

I'm linking up with Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict


1 Julierose said...

Just lovely trees-and i think the quilting around the CW little tree is beautiful nice job hugs, Julierose

2 Run 'n Stitch said...

What great little trees. Thank you for the links.

3 Louise said...

Your cathedral tree is so cool! And I can see why you were tempted by the knit creche; it's lovely. I hope it ended up with a young family so the kids can carefully squeeze the figures every season :)

4 Ramona said...

Your trees are so cute! Your quilting really makes them stand out, too. The cookies look scrumptious! :)

5 Quiltdivajulie said...

Thanks for sharing the links - I actually like the pinwheel tree version better than the chevrons. Tucking this one away for "someday." (and I plan to make mine smaller like you did - don't need a HUGE tree quilt)

6 Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Lovely trees and fun stitching. The knitted nativity set is special.

7 Marie said...

As someone who does baking for the annual Christmas bazaar at our church (the Holly Bazaar) I am in awe of your $25 cookie platters. Good for you - worth every penny, even if it is old school. Love the HST tree too!

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