Wednesday, 14 November 2012

A quilt rescue

I rescued a quilt the other day from my church.
In 1986, someone made this as part of a denominational capital campaign.
The marketing firm hired for the campaign researched Mennonites
and came up with quilts
and used these four quilt blocks for all the marketing.
Churches were encouraged to make a banner
and it looks like someone in my church did.
(This is before my time there.)
It's all in polycotton broadcloth, layered with a thin batting
and hand quilted.
The binding is coming undone, so I took it home to give it a bit of love.
I'm pondering how I could incorporate this in a bigger banner.

Here's one of the blocks with the handquilting visible.
I'm open to suggestions. I think doing something with it
is better than having it crumpled in a corner.


valleyp said...

WOW, Call to Kingdom Commitments, I've still got the magnets floating around the house in surprising places. I wonder how many of those "quilts"/banners are out there. With the state of the finances, maybe they'd like to resurrect them eh?

Waltrude G. - Grandmothergoose said...

Oh my!!! I worked on this quilt for my former home church as well.

It was the very first quilt I ever worked on and it still hangs somewhere at Sherbrooke Mennonite Church in Vancouver.

Oh and yes I still have a few magnets kicking around too!

So good of you to rescue this piece for your church and give it new life!

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Hmmm, remove the binding, add triangles to set it on point, add another layer of batting and backing and quilt in the ditch around the blocks and quilt the setting triangles? Maybe applique text on the triangles? Lots of possibilities..

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