Saturday, 8 March 2014

Farewell to selvages

It's been fun, but I'm saying goodbye to selvages
I'm mailing the good ones to Riel.
Disappearing the rest.
Don't try to stop me.


Lori R. said...

I'm keeping my selvages. Maybe we need a support group. Except, you have escaped their spell! I haven't had quite enough yet.

Quiltdivajulie said...

As a reformed selvage-keeper, I can attest that there IS life after letting them go!!

Beth said...

Funny you should post this now. I am 'gleaning' crumbs/scraps/chunks that I have not used and passed over multiple times. I am sending them to a quilter who has been pretty much house bound all winter. My sewing room looks SO much better...

Riel Nason said...

Rest assured they are going to a good home. :-) Can't wait to get them (!!!!!)

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