Sunday, 26 January 2014

Quilting up a storm

Got fabric, got sewing machine, got snowstorm.
We can't get home from the retreat so the retreat
Centre offered us free rooms for the night.
So we're on for phase 2 of the retreat.


Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Sorry you are snowed in, but I am sure that's not the worst place to be so! Hope you are getting home tomorrow!

janequiltsslowly said...

So if this was me I'd be thinking I won the lottery! Have fun on your free retreat night.

Teri said...

I am jealous! But....I am snowed in having my own retreat at home too.

MariQuilts said...

Now that's the way to get snowed in!!!!!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I am leaving for retreat on Thursday and here in Louisiana we are scheduled to have our second snowfall in a week on Wednesday! What luck.....

Heidi said...

Have fun !

Carol E. said...

Dream come true!! I go to a retreat every November, and we always pray for a snow-in day, but so far, no luck.

Abby and Stephanie said...

That zig zag quilt is so appealing both in design and color choices. I have not been on a quilt retreat in probably 13 years! I'm in need.

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