Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Crazy mini for Bloggers Quilt Festival

Crazy mini, 12 by 12 inches
machine pieced and quilted

I dug into the solid scraps to put together this crazy-pieced mini.
It was part of a challenge over at 15 minutes play.
I'm entering it into the miniature category at Bloggers Quilt Festival.

The crazy piecing section measures about 4 by 6 inches
and features about 50 little bits.
Click on the photo to see how small they actually are.
I used a heavy black thread to quilt this section.
I includes some tiny half square triangles
made from the trimming bits of binding,
and machine quilted feathers in the large space.

Here's the back, using a Kaffe stripe.

I bound it with green and a bit of yellow.

I like the juxtaposition between the crazy centre and the calmness of the feathers,
the grey and the bright green
and the idea of using the tiniest bits for a little quilt.

Thanks for stopping by!


Helen in the UK said...

Amazing! Love the seemingly random use of yellow and your quilting is a wonderful contrast :)

CitricSugar said...

Very nice! I love tiny piecing! It thrills me in a way that probably isn't healthy.... :-)

em's scrapbag said...

Fabulous! Love the little yellow triangle.

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