Monday, 14 October 2013

A b-hive of activity

I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I still haven't finished my big birthday quilt.
I appreciate all the B blocks you sent me
but I got stalled on how to put them together.
Here they are partly put together.

So today on Canadian Thanksgiving,
I decided to be thankful for all my quilting friends close by
and in blogland,
and decided to figure out the puzzle.
Here's the layout I envisioned at the beginning of the day. 
I had five large Bs I intended for the back.

As my day progressed, I realized I could get them all on the front.
I unpicked some of the sections, cut down the borders on some blocks
eliminated a purple block I had made,
and squeezed them all in.

Except for that red and purple one on top of this photo.
Somehow, that block from my friend Y. got overlooked.

So I unpicked that filler on the top right
and squeezed it in right on the top.

Here's the whole thing, now sewn into three long sections.
It measures about 60 by 64.
I had thought I would quilt this in sections,
to facilitate free motion quilting
and make it less bulky to quilt.
But I only have a large piece of batting on hand
and I'm having difficulty figuring out the backing.
So I'm leaving it for today
and hope some of you might venture an opinion.
I haven't decided whether or not to make it more of a rectangle
with top and bottom borders.
I'm planning for this to be my nap quilt,
so the current size is fine with me.


Barb said...

Wow! what a fun quilt - you got really great blocks!

Quiltdivajulie said...

CONGRATULATIONS for breaking through that logjam of indecision -- What a marvelous flimsy you have built!

Such a special quilt . . . perfect for a nap/snuggle/long-distance hug!

Tonya Ricucci said...

woohoo, great progress on such a fun quilt

fabriquefantastique said...

the backing conundrum will resolve itself unexpectedly....I like the block with the polka dot ground.

Terri said...

Love how it looks - all the different shapes and colors. (I know that isn't much help... you'll figure it out! Just sleep on it.)

HollyM said...

I love it! Sometimes I'll add a narrow border to the sides and wide to the top and bottom in order to make the rectangle.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Great quilt....I do the same thing with borders sometimes. I like a rectangle.

Heidi said...

Well done ! A fun quilt !

M-R Charbonneau said...

So fun! I love quilt as you go too so I'd cut the batting in the long strips for your sections. Looking forward to seeing what you do with this!

elle said...

What a great idea!

Rene' said...

It's nice to see your "B" blocks again! They look great all hanging out together.

Regina said...

That looks fantastic, I am more than impressed that you managed to put all those differently sized blocks together so well!
As for quilting it in sections: you'd need either to hand-stitch the backing seams, or pin them nicely from the front and fix them in place while quilting over the seam. It depends whether you quilt your sections completely before joining or not.

sawsan said...

Wow what a nice blocks did u make it a quilt it is great, full of ideas
Thanks for tutorials good job.

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will you check my blog and add your comments . Thank you

sawsan said...

And yes for
((I had thought I would quilt this in sections,
to facilitate free motion quilting
and make it less bulky to quilt.))

I have the same idea for big quilts I have no long arm machine .

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