Monday, 7 January 2013

Playing with skinny strings

I've been playing with skinny strings, sewing them on 6 inch muslin squares
that I found during a recent clean-up of my sewing space.
I dug through my overflowing scrap bin to find the strings
as well as cutting some down to 1.25 or 1.5 inches.

I like the look of the blocks,
but maybe it's time to use them differently than just set in the diamond formation.

So I made one of them into flying geese
which finish at 4 by 8 inches.

Stay tuned for more.

Meanwhile, here's the other AAQI quilt
I made from handdyed strings I pulled from my mother's garbage.
This one evoked a feeling of a landscape,
so I added a flower left from another project.

1 comment:

Nifty Quilts said...

I love your skinny strings! Also, the little quilt is really lovely. Look at all the depth you got in that with the landscape and the flower!

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