Friday, 21 October 2011

String flowers, design walls, and thrift shop finds

I've been playing with more string flowers,
as well as cutting up some ovals in hand dyed fabrics from a previous project

to make bouquets.
These are not appliqued yet, and I've put the leaves and flowers close together
because I'll lose a bit when I hand applique them.

Too busy, right?

What about if the flowers are arranged in a vase?
I like this better. I need to add the stems, and maybe some embellishment on the vase.

After I made this flower, the colours ran into the green. oops.

Here's a flower from Kaffe fabrics and leaves fussy cut from a Kaffe print.
I'll lose some of the background when I turn under the edges.

I've been accused of having quilter's ADHD. It certainly looks like it on my design wall,
since I have three projects going
(and there's more hiding in my WIP and UFO drawer.) AAAACCK!

So instead of sewing, I distracted myself with some purchases from the local thrift shop.
This apron from unbleached muslin is hand embroidered and hemmed,
but needs ties and a neck strap.

Here's close-up of the embroidery.

This is a hemmed square of cotton fabric, 20 by 20 inches.
It has Christian symbols on it (fish, grapes, bread, crown, lamb)
but with a definite 1960s vibe.
I don't have a plan for it, but I liked the colours.

Here's more goodies: a linen tea towel with the clans of Scotland, with some lovely pinks and golds,
Quilter's Edge iron on 1/4 inch tape, and a small pressing ham.


1 Barb said...

What amazing fabrics....

Enjoy your creative process!!

2 Quiltdivajulie said...

I have three different projects on my design walls now with two others lying about the studio ... we're in good company, right?

Love the flowers ... not too busy, it will calm down as you turn under and stitch in place. WONDERFUL!!

3 antique quilter said...

I LOVE< LOVE< LOVE these flowers! very fun.
I have been playing with some tulip scrappy blocks lately! looks like some nice finds at the local thrift shop.

4 Clare said...

No they're not too busy. Love the second photo.

That fabric is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. Love the colours. How about a medallion quilt?

Too many projects? Ha! You ought to come to this house. Want a list?

5 Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Love the scrappy flowers and learning about your process!

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