Wednesday 1 December 2010

We have a winner!

I used  the random number generator at, which picked the 7th out of 10 comments entered for the giveway. Gari is the winner of the pieced and machine quilted Featherweight pad. Congrats, Gari!
7/Gari said...

Oh, I have a beautiful 1946 Featherweight that would love a special mat under it. And since my quilting frequently isn't up to the standard I would like it to be, I never remark on anyone's work. Besides, quilting should be fun, progressing, and fun.

For the techie folks out there, how do I get the random generator picture/graphic on my screen here? My teenagers had a few ideas before they dashed off to school, but no joy.


Paulette said...

What I did was hit the Print Screen button on my keyboard when you're on the random number generator page. You won't see anything happen, but then open up your Paint program, click "Paste" and your screen shot should show up in there. You can trim it down so only the winner square shows. Then click "Save As" and save that image as a JPG file. Then you can put it in as a picture in blogger just like usual.

There's probably an easier way, but that's what has worked for me.

MamaT said...

Congratulations to Gari!

Gari in AL said...

I'm running a day behind in my blog reading but want to say thanks, again. I am really looking forward to having a nice quilted mat to sit under my baby.

Myra said...

Congrats to Gari on the win!!!

If I want to put something from the comp as a photo, I turn my flash off on the camera, and snap a photo. Done! Ready for you to put into a post... You may find you will need to turn lights off to get a good photo, but maybe not! 8-)

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