Wednesday 1 December 2010

Consumables for the new hardware

It's wonderful to have a new sewing machine, but one does have to feed it occasionally.

So these great fat quarters and half-yard cuts I won from Jacquie's blog came exactly at the right time. I love the varieties of aquas and blues.

And the same time, my order of Aurufil thread and the magic bobbin washers arrived. I was using a heavy variagated quilting thread on this test quilt for Christina's free motion quiltalong, but the Aurufil and the washers have made a huge difference in the ease of free motioning.

So I started to get a little cocky with the flowers, thinking all was great

until I remembered to look at the back and the tension was off. oops. time to find the seam ripper!


Rosalyn Manesse said...

Super fun-a new machine!

Christina said...

Your feathers look great! I really like Aurifil thread, glad it is working well for you.

Joyce said...

Feeding the machine is a great way to put it. Lol. I like Aurufil thread but have never tried bobbin washers. Let me know what you think of them.

Em said...

I can so empathisize with tension on the back and seam ripping!!! Still figuring it out in my learning curve of machine quilting. Such fun flowers though!!!

Sharon said...

I think your FMQ is looking great! It looks like you're having fun, for the most part.

Ooo, I'll have to try that line too - "feeding the new machine". Good one!

Clare said...

There are an awful lot of new sewing machines popping up on the web ring.

What are bobbing washers and do they fit all machines?

Myra said...

Never heard of these Magic Bobbin Washers? What exactly are they for?

Don't you just hate when you are on a roll, thinking it is going great, only to notice something that makes you go for the stitch ripper!!! Grrrr....

Have a great weekend!

valleyp said...

Love the orange Brenda! Talk to me about those Bobbin washers? I too thought I was going great and five minutes before finishing and removing the quilt from the big frame I hear something not quite right with the rythm and...voila, tension disaster. Had to leave it unfinished and go back the next day to finish...grrrr. These fast machines are so great when they work but man, they can get you into trouble way faster!


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